About the Business
Antonia Agnew and Felicity Marno are the two principals in Stockspring Antiques, which was founded in 1979. After university we both studied for the Diploma in the History of Fine and Decorative Art from the Study Centre, London. Subsequent to this award Antonia worked for Christies and Felicity for the dealer Morris Bennett. The wide range of ceramics we carry reflects our interests in fine 18th and early 19th century English wares and also Continental porcelain, particularly that of the early German factories and French soft paste porcelain. We are involved in researching the 18th Century independent London decorators such as James Giles, and have an abiding interest in the cross-fertilisation of styles and designs between East and West and the Continent and England. Our pieces are represented in major private and museum collections world wide.
Location & Hours

114 Kensington Church Street